New Jersey Independent Electrical Contractor Association (NJIEC) serves electrical contractors in the state to become the best educated, informed and most profitable they can be through apprenticeship, continuing education, professional networking, and advocacy. Whether an electrical contractor has had a license for 2 years and is a one-man shop or the company has been established for decades and has 100+ employees, the NJIEC will provide tools to your success.
Maintaining Fire Separation
Presented By: Greg Chontow
Course Description: This course is designed to guide electrical contractors in understanding the requirements in the IBC building code on maintaining fire partitions in multi-occupancy buildings that require these separations. It is often misunderstood that electrical boxes have a fire rating without any additional requirements. We will examine a few manufacturers’ boxes and their listings to verify the requirements to maintain the fire partition.
Tuesday, June 18 | 6:30 p.m.
Stateside Tap + Tavern | 149 Pierce St., Somerset, NJ 08873
Cost: $50 (includes dinner)
2024 CEUs & Monthly Meetings
$50/Person (includes dinner) | Rotating through various locations across New Jersey​
June 18
July 16
September 17
October 15
2024 Annual Meeting
Tuesday, November 19th | 6:30 PM | FREE Registration
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