New Jersey IEC represents Independent Electrical Contractors in New Jersey on local, state and national matters.
PAC Overview
The NJIEC Political Action Committee (PAC) is the only statewide PAC dedicated to the merit shop electrical contracting industry. In short a PAC is a special interest group. The NJIEC and the NJIEC Government Affairs Committee formed the PAC to represent our electrical contractor member interests.
More formally, a PAC has been defined as a group of two or more people, a corporation, or an association, which in a calendar year contributes or expects to contribute at least $4,300 to (1.) promote the candidacy of persons for electric public office, and/or (2.) promote or defeat public questions. The definition goes on to expect that a PAC will continue to support political candidates and work to support or defeat proposed laws year after year.
PAC Impact for Electrical Contractors
In election years the PAC determines which candidates are likely to be aligned on issues facing an electrical contractor trying to make a living in New Jersey. The PAC supports those officials sometimes through an endorsement, simply putting the weight of the NJEC behind a particular candidate, or more frequently by contributing financially to the Election Fund of that candidate.
​Perhaps more importantly, the PAC watches the daily events in Trenton and beyond with the support of an NJIEC Lobbyist. Laws and regulations impacting the business of an electrical contractor are continually evolving and changing. The PAC watches those laws and regulations and takes action on behalf of NJIEC members. Sometimes regulatory changes are beneficial and supported. In some circumstances regulatory change is detrimental to contractor businesses and the electrical profession. The PAC is there to inform the legislature or regulatory body of the consequences of their choices. These issues span electrical contracting licensure, permitting, and more.
PAC Funding
The work of the PAC is funded through a voluntary donation by our members upon annual dues renewal and generous donations from our community. To make a donation, please contact executivedirector@nj-iec.org.
PAC News
Visit Government Affairs News for ongoing updates on legislative and regulatory changes impacting electrical contractors, which is an exclusive member benefit.
IEC is committed to advocating on behalf of the merit shop electrical contracting industry before Congress and the executive branch. IEC’s federal policy focus includes issues related to labor, energy, tax, jobs, and workforce development, all of which that have the ability to greatly affect IEC members and the electrical profession as a whole.​
IEC works to advance the voice of the industry in the halls of Congress and in regulatory agencies in an attempt to shape legislation and regulation in a way that’s advantageous to electrical contractors and the merit shop.​
Visit the IEC Advocacy center to learn more and TAKE ACTION on current and important federal issues facing electrical contractors.